Thousand Gifts 26-40

Camden looks thrilled to be in this picture, doesn't he?

26. for the sound of Camden and Rory's happy screams as Brian pulls them around on the sled.
27. for another snow day
28. for a warm fire on a very cold day
29. for yet another snow day
30. that I don't have to worry about work or childcare when we have snow days (four of them. in a row.)
31. for grandparents that live close enough to occasionally watch the kids while I grocery shop
32. that Brian is able to take Camden for his 2nd flu shot
33. for library books that arrived just in time for snow days
34. for the stash of stickers, glue, and scissors that kept Camden and Rory happy for over an hour this morning
36. for the news Saturday I'd won 3rd place for a sweet photo of my girl's face
36. for a few hours alone with Brian
37. for new boots
38. for safe delivery of little Matthew
39. for sweet Destiny at church yesterday
40. for orientation today and now being "official"


Elizabeth Frick said…
Love #30 and 33 :)
KrisJ said…
Wait whats official? And what a great thing to be doing!
I second Kris... what did I miss?!

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