Snow Day

Yes, yet again we have maybe 2 inches of snow on the ground and a snow day. Not complaining! It's a good time for our family to have a snow day since Brian was gone most of the day Saturday (a.k.a. I was home alone with both kids who were full of life and energy - video to come later today) and yesterday was full of church activities and meetings. We don't have much planned other than nerf gun wars and possibly a little romp in the snow later on. I'm all stocked up with milk, leftover chili, and I just pulled some Christmas cookies out of the freezer so we're covered in the food department. :)

Kristen Rice:Sweet Life
111710_sweet web

Enjoy your Monday!

11. for the letter from the Texas State Board of Education stating that they accept Brian's Tennessee teaching license
12. for brakes that worked when I had to slam them to avoid a wreck Monday morning
13. for our new Family Reading Bible
14. for the sweet times we've already had around the table with that Bible
15. for Brian's aunt and cousin who called and emailed just to see if we were okay
16. for our first monthly supporter
17. for a cousin (in-law) who sends me lots of notes and info about our shared stomach issue
18. for a sister who helped me out by bringing Camden home from school
19. for a dear friend who won their battle with cancer and met Jesus today
20. for new piano books
21. for the beautiful snow
22. for the warm sun that melted the snow
23. for a (relatively) quiet Saturday morning
24. for a very supportive phone call Saturday morning from my mom
25. for a snow day
26. for coffee on a cold Monday morning


Wow, this is a very touching list.
Elizabeth Frick said…
Enjoy your snow day!
Beautiful list. Isn't it amazing how much we have to be thankful for each day!

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