Week in Review

Yes, a day early, but I've got something a little different for tomorrow. :)

My car is healthy again, and we're back to being a two-car family.

Rory had a dentist's appointment Tuesday and has two more cavities. There was also talk of putting caps on her two front teeth. Imagine the nightmare flashing through my head of two silver front teeth on my girl. Thankfully, they decided to take a wait and see approach.

After 90+ temperatures last week, fall has finally arrived in Tennessee, and we've loved having highs in the 70's and 80's. I even switched out Rory's summer closet to her fall/winter clothes. Because Camden wears uniforms to school, his wardrobe pretty much stays the same.

Rory has started her first week as a 4 year old with a bang. The diva attitude is in full force, almost like a switched has been flipped in her little brain. I realize it's just a coincidence that it happened right as she turned 4, but WOW.
I made this for dinner last night, and it was a delicious fall meal. (my family knows that I definitely left out the zucchini, though)

And that's about it - thankfully, a pretty uneventful week!




Joy said…
Precious pictures! And thank you for the recipe - I will have to leave the zucchini out too.

Can't wait for tomorrow's blog! : )
Brian Lewis said…
I love the teasers about tomorrow. I wonder what it could be?
Elizabeth Frick said…
those are some SASSY shots! ;)
Krista said…
Those pictures! Exactly like you said - just like a switch!
That second photo has me cracking up. Love that girl!

AND, I can't wait for tomorrow!!! (I *think* I might be jumping for joy for you?!)

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