Catching Up

It has been an eventful 48 hours, and I've been up since 4:30 this morning listening to our first spring thunderstorm (not exactly how I wanted to start my day). I think to spare you all the details, I'll just hit the highlights.

Spent most of Tuesday afternoon at the dentist's office and let me just tell you that a pediatric dentist's waiting room is a whole new level of torture. Think loud movie on the big screen TV competing with the smaller TV for the adults competing with the video games mounted on the wall competing with the screaming/tantrumming children waiting for their siblings competing with all the loud musical kid toys. Not to mention the kids climbing all over the couches (ramming into me and Rory) and the many times I was run over by a 3 year old with a shopping cart. By the time we actually made it back to see the dentist, I was not in the most peaceful frame of mind (Rory just sat on my lap the whole time and took it in). The official diagnosis is 3 fillings and a silver crown on one of her eye teeth. Can I just admit that I am heartbroken over the fact that my girl is going to have a visible silver tooth? Heartbroken. I tried to keep it all in perspective as I overheard another family hear from the dentist that there would be several surgeries and their insurance was not going to cover it, but still heartbroken.

I was able accompany Camden on his third and final kindergarten field trip yesterday. We went to the Grand Ole Opry House to see Charlotte's Web. It was very cute and the kids loved it. The adults did not quite love arriving 45 minutes early and keeping everyone in their seat for so long, but it was good. We then spent what felt like hours at McDonald's playland. I am so happy to have Amanda there to talk cameras and scrapping or else it would have been a very long day. Because let's face it. The kids just want to play and aren't that interested in having their moms around.

We topped off the day with a flat tire as we left the school. Thankfully, we only had to wait around about 30 minutes before my mother-in-law was able to come pick us up. Poor Brian rushed home from school to work on the car, spent a completely unnecessary hour in copier training at church, grabbed a sandwich on his way out the door to get the tire fixed, spent 2 hours waiting for the tire only to discover a broken headlight when he got home and then fixed that. I think he crashed on the couch at 9:00 after not stopping since his 4:30 wake up call.

Now you're all caught up. And wasn't it exciting?

Credits here


You know, I think I would be heartbroken about the crown too...
Elizabeth Frick said…
Ugh! what a week!!!
Krista said…
Now that is a rough couple of days. The dentist office sounds absolutely painful - for both the work that is needed and the chaos in the waiting room. Then the car issues? Goodness. Glad those 48 hours are over I'm sure! Wishing you a better weekend!

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