Another busy day

Rory LOVED gymnastics last night. The girl beamed and giggled her way through the class last night and kept saying, "I just wub this, mama" and "this is sooooo fun." And I have to say that she kept up very well. The instructor asked me several times if I was sure she'd never taken a class before. Rory's age is right in between 2 classes so we decided to go with the class that's a little older instead of the class with kids who are 4-6 months younger, and I think we made the right decision. I was so proud of how well she followed instructions and can't wait for next week! There are no pictures, but I have a good excuse! It's a mommy and me class and let me just say that we were in constant motion the entire 30 minutes. There was absolutely no chance for me to drop everything and take a picture! Brian has promised to come along next week and take a couple of pictures.

Yesterday was busy and today promises to be busy as well. I'm dropping Camden off early at school to rush to a doctor's appointment (for my blood pressure) and then Rory and I are hitting up Kroger to take advantage of their triple coupon week. This afternoon I'll get Camden, take the kids to the library to return books, Brian is picking his parents up from the airport so we'll have a late supper, get the kids in bed and collapse! Oh, and did I mention it's laundry day? :)

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