
This is the face that looked at me all day yesterday.

And this one.
But here's today's face. A little better, don't you think?

Not sure if Rory was still not feeling very well, but she was so tired and cranky all day yesterday. Nothing helped. She didn't want food, to play, or even to go outside. In fact, she even cried when I put my shoes on - usually this brings lots of giggles because she knows we're headed out to play. I put her in bed at 6:50 last night, and she slept until 5:45 this morning so she must have needed the extra rest.

So I didn't get much accomplished yesterday, although we did take a family walk (the second of the week) last night after supper, and I washed and hung out on the clothes line two loads of laundry and they're actually all put away this morning. I'm grocery shopping this morning, and we'll see what the rest of the day holds.


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