Poor Ruby

Blogging at work while I take a little break. I've got a lunch meeting so I'm entitled to a break, right?

I think poor Ruby has kicked the bucket (or someone kicked it for her). She's completely disappeared. Camden keeps saying, "yep, she's gone." Brian and Camden formed a little search party and looked for her last night, but there is no sign of her since Sunday night. Camden doesn't seem too upset so I'm glad about that!

I keep thinking there's going to come a time when I'm not so tired all the time, but I'm just not so sure about that. Work and my commute are just exhausting, and then when I get home there's Camden and the house and Brian, etc. I do have the best husband in the world, and he helps out so much, not just with Camden but with the house, but I'm still tired! I think I must be getting old. I have trouble sleeping, my back hurts every morning when I wake up, and I keep finding these darn gray hairs. I think I'm up to 6!

Okay, enough complaining. Here's one page I scrapped last night - only took me about 15 minutes!


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