
I'm sitting here at my desk this morning (actually made it to work by 7:15) and there is a group of college kids (I'm assuming) on the street in front of my office screaming their heads off every time cars go by - which is like every millisecond. They're holding signs for a mayoral candidate, and of course they have the right to do that, but it is sooooo annoying!! Hopefully, they will not be here all day!

I went out to lunch with a friend yesterday and had a really good time with her. We always go to Qdoba, which is just about my favorite place to eat. Got home from work and had to wake Camden up - he had just crashed when they returned from their camping trip and had slept for hours! He had so much fun. I met a friend for a walk last night, which was really good. My feet hurt after we finished! Normally I have Camden with me when I walk, and his little legs just can't keep up so I generally slow down. It felt like much more of a workout to walk with an adult!

Here are a couple of pages.


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