Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

This is a pretty boring week! Only news I can think of is that Camden is coming down with another cold. We had two cough-less nights, but it started up again last night. I have a feeling this is going to be a long fall/winter season.

My new favorite ice cream is Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake. I'm a big ice cream lover, but it usually involves lots of chocolate (because I would never waste dessert calories on something with fruit in it!). I bought this for Brian over the weekend and ended up eating it myself. While I'm an ice cream snob and only want the good stuff, Brian will eat anything!

I'm headed to Gymboree at lunch - always a fun time!

One layout from Monday night. It's one of my favorites! I used Dani Mogstad's Fall Crush kit, which is really fun! I wanted to scrap last night, but was just too tired! Tonight is church, so maybe I'll get some done Thursday.


Anonymous said…
What a great layout and photo!!! That ice cream sounds sooooooooo good. Yum!

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