
We woke up last night at 11:30 to the smoke alarm going off! Got up and the house definitely smelled like something burning, but we couldn't find anything. Finally figured out that maybe it was the furnace - we had just turned it on for the first time. So we turned it off until morning and then Brian rechecked it. I think it was just because it was the first time we used it, but kinda crazy that the smoke alarm went off!

Called the doctor this morning because Camden still has that crazy crackling in his chest and any activity at all makes him cough and breathless so the doctor called in a prescription for a steroid he's taken before. Unfortunately, this turns him into a monster child! It's not his fault, but he is so up and down emotionally and anything that happens is just a huge deal. Not that much fun! So here's a funny story to remember when I blog tomorrow about what a rough day it's been! He wanted to play with Gram and Gramp's chickens, but they wouldn't come out into the open. Gram told him it was because they didn't know him. So Camden stepped up and said, "Hi, I'm Camden Eli Lewis." Unfortunately, the introduction didn't really work for the chickens!

No new layouts of Camden, but here's one I did for my friend Kim. Her little boy's name is Ethan, and isn't he a cutie! I love his look of concentration on the bottom picture. I used Carrie Stephens' Express Yourself kit.


Nikki said…
Wow our furnace did the exact same thing! Every year it smells like that when we first turn it on.

So sorry to hear that Camden has been sick, hope he is better soon!

Too funny about the chickens!! LOL and your layout of Ethan is so cute!!
Anonymous said…
Hey my computer back up and running and what a surprise to see the layout you did for me on your blog!! I love it and I will be sending more photos your way!

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