Celebrity Sighting

I saw Faith Hill in Target this morning. She had her hair pulled back in a bun with no make-up, but she is quite beautiful! And easily recognizable even in her "natural" state.

Our weekend was pretty good. I was off Friday and hoping to stay home and get quite a bit done around the house (dirty laundry had pretty much taken over and I hadn’t grocery shopped in 2 weeks!), but ended up going shopping with Brian’s mom, grandma, and aunt. Camden came with us as well, because as we all know family only visits to see him! Friday night was our fall festival at church, and everyone had a blast (adults included). Camden was so caught up in the games that he didn’t care about the candy at all. I’m so irritated because I got horrible pictures. The gym has really weird lighting and I’m sure I could have adjusted things on my camera, but I seriously know nothing about it! Maybe this will convince me to pull out the user guide. It’s a Nikon D50 so I know it should be able to handle strange lighting!

Saturday we had our pictures taken, and I think we’ll be really happy with them. The setting was beautiful and Camden cooperated for the most part. He kept asking if we were done yet. Spent the rest of the day with Brian’s family. Sunday was church, of course, and just seemed really busy. It was youth Sunday so Brian was in charge of the service and preached. The kids sang, led music, etc. Camden did really well standing and singing in front of everyone. In Brian’s sermon, he was talking about teaching your kids and starting young and he had Camden come up front to “read” this little Bible story that we read to him when he was about 18 months. Some of his first words came from this book. Well, he got up there and just buried his head in Brian’s shoulder. So I whipped out a bag of candy and held it up for him to see, and he stood up straight, took the microphone and “read” it all without a mistake!

I got to work about 7:00 this morning trying to get a jumpstart on my day because I knew it would be busy. Stopped by Starbucks for a Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s quite good, but the orange color did catch me off guard! When I arrived at work, I had a gift on my desk from my boss and his wife – a gift card to Panera Bread and some candy just because! Wasn’t that nice! A good way to start off the week.

I'm being overtaken by ladybugs! It grosses me out! It's just the time of year and strange weather we've been having. They keep dropping onto my desk at work.

My brother is supposed to be arriving in the state today on a 2 week leave from Iraq. We're hoping to see him, but not sure if it's going to work out or not. It will be nice to know he's home safe and sound even if it's just for a little while.

I hope to have layouts to show tomorrow. I’ve been a little blah about scrapping this last week or so. I’ve got 4 or 5 layouts that I’ve worked and reworked and just can’t be happy with. Hopefully, it’ll all come back to me soon!


Anonymous said…
i love faith hill...that's sooooo cool :). i've been in a scrapping slump lately too...our creativity must just need a break sometimes :). can't wait to see everything when the mojo returns!!!
Anonymous said…
LOL the little things like seeing Faith that make us smile out loud!

You guys must be very proud of Camden! What a brave little guy!

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