Chopsticks anyone?

Our weekend turned out to be pretty nice. VBS wrapped up Friday evening so that was a little crazy and hectic, but fun. Brian went and did some late night fishing with his friend Jon so I took Camden home and watched a movie.

Saturday we decided to take Camden to his first theater movie. A little background: a couple of weeks ago one of the kids from Brian's youth group brought Camden two little cars (from the movie CARS) from the McDonald's Happy Meals. He immediately named them Kiki and Energy. I just assumed he must have somehow known their names from the huge marketing campaign going on - poptarts, cereal, they're everywhere! He's been asking to see "my movie" for days. Of course, he thought this meant we could just turn on the TV for him. Anyway, Saturday we took him to see the movie. I'm not sure what he thought about the movie, but he was mesmerized by the "TV" that was as big as our house and spent the entire movie with two hands in the popcorn and sipping Mr. Pibb. He had a blast!

After the movie, we went home to grill porkchops. He kept asking for "more chopsticks, please." Funny kid.

Sunday evening was the VBS final program at church. Camden sat up front with another little boy about his age. At first, they giggled uncontrollably and were so cute. Then they danced. Then they started telling each other to stop talking, be still, turn around, etc. Then Camden slapped the other little boy; little boy retaliated and it got ugly! I had him come sit with me and all was well.

I had very exciting news when I got up Saturday morning. Nikki from asked me to be on her Creative Team. I am so excited to work with her designs. I'll post layouts later.

I think that's about it. Have a great day, everyone!


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