Five on Friday (January 11, 2019)
We dove head first into the deep end of the pool and barely know how to swim. That's how this week has felt as we all returned to work and school full time. January has never felt so busy! But we survived the first week and we're prepared for week #2. 1. Turns out recovering from surgery (even a little one) is harder than it seems. Or, as my boss kindly pointed out, the older we are the harder to recover. Proof my skin does not like adhesive. 2. Camden caught me off guard this week when he mentioned that he's been thinking about going to medical school to become a gynecological oncologist. Not gonna lie - he didn't know what that specialty involves. I think he would be a great doctor. It's a fine line to walk between encouraging him to pursue whatever career God places on his heart and not influencing him in choosing that career. 3. Finished my first book of 2019. 4. Brian and I booked tickets to NYC for spring break. We're taking an early an...