After a fun 3-day birthday weekend with Becky, I dropped her off at the airport Sunday morning. Drove myself home, proceeded to become ill and then slept for over 7 hours throughout the day. Thankfully, as I usually do after a day like yesterday (which happens occasionally; too often to call rare, but not a common occurrence either), I feel like a new woman today. I will blog more about all the fun things that happened (and the fun food/coffee consumed) over the weekend later. But today I wanted to let you know what's happening Wednesday. After 6 weeks off Taxol (and I have a small bit of hair and eyelash growth to prove it), my appointment with the oncologist Wednesday will determine whether I have to take a permanent break from not only from Taxol, but also the clinical trial meds. Selfishly, I just want to be done with it all. I am perfectly satisfied to skip chemo and wait for the cancer to return. I'm ready for hair and eyelashes again. I'm ready to fee...