Despite the fact that Camden still plays with Legos (and likes to play in general), there is no denying this kid is big. I love his sweet nature, but also appreciate the maturity I see in him. It's amazing how quickly he changes - I can note several adjustments even since summer began. His number one request was a weighted blanket and so that's what we bought. I find it funny that the most expensive birthday gift I've given to one of my kids is a blanket. ;) Yesterday he invited a friend from school over and we went to Dave and Busters (he has been requesting this for months). Today is his actual birthday and he spent it working at a church event. We're going to celebrate with family, cake and ice cream next weekend. Note how tall he is next to his very tall Uncle Michael (who bought him that basketball goal). Happy Birthday, Camden! Edited to Add: we celebrated with cake and ice cream a week late with cousins and grandparents. I complete...