Five on Friday (May 11, 2018)

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable. - Hebrews 4:12-13

Another busy week, many more tears and tough situations. Also so many blessings. Such is life.

1. The school's Broadway-themed spring concert was Tuesday night and both kids were super excited. Excited enough to sing The Greatest Showman (not broadway-themed) together on the way to the concert, and it's not often they happily sing at the same time. Rory had a part in Never Grow Up from Peter Pan and Camden had the main solo in One More Day from Les Miserables (not for the faint of heart or in the midst of puberty, btw).





2. I read the best book this week called Something Like Happy. It was so sad but also funny and hopeful and I cried a whole lot of tears, almost on a Fault In Our Stars level of sobbing but not quite. Definitely worth reading.


3. I'm more of a local coffee-shop kind of girl rather than Starbucks lover although it is pretty tough to beat gift cards and mobile ordering. My current Starbucks order is an iced blonde cappuccino with cold foam. I ask for extra ice and whole milk and then add a healthy (as in generous, not healthy) shot of maple syrup when I get home.

4. This is the final week of 5th and 8th grade, which is hard to believe.  Kids have a full day Monday and exams Tuesday/Wednesday. Camden had a big Rube Goldberg project, which consumed a solid part of last weekend, but he finished it, mostly didn't lose his cool, and the parents survived.


5. It's been 5 full weeks since my last chemo treatment and there are still no eyelashes in sight. Well, that's not completely true. This morning (after my daily examination), I noticed a few teeny tiny white lashes. I would appreciate all prayers for eyelashes. Just kidding, but I'll take prayers about next week. I have literally SIX appointments, not including labs, and I am scheduled to restart chemo Wednesday. I'm not ready and not sure I can make myself do it. I guess, depending on my scan results, no one can technically make me continue chemo but I would certainly appreciate some sort of definite direction regarding continuing on or coming to a stop altogether.

We had some company this weekend (while Rory was recovering which explains her look).



Joan B said…
hope you get the clarity you seek on the chemo. Just spent the better part of a month on the oncology ward (as a relative) and it is one sobering place. I'm sure the hospital has the sickest patients, but I thought of you and others and prayed that my family member and all I know would live with cancer as kindly as possible. I hope those words don't sound ridiculous; can think of no other way to acknowledge the sheer anxiety, endless questions, etc. that cancer brings. I hope whatever is causing you and your family so much grief ends.
mcgowan moments said…
We were at the show Tuesday and the kids did great!! Thinking about you my friend.
Ramsh said…
I love the concept that in sickness, difficulties and tragedy, there is still beauty. The older I get, the more I understand that.

I will pray for clarity for you in decision-making regarding future treatment. For what it’s worth, stopping chemo does not sound unreasonable to me.

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