Tuesday's Happenings

I feel like I need to lead off with an explanation as to why approximately 99% of my pictures take place in this chair in our living room. (1) it's got great light here in the afternoon/early evening and (2) it's where Camden and Rory end up sitting - together - when we're all here. Hence, all the pictures from one spot.


And when they're smiling like this, it's kind of hard to put the camera away just because I have dozens of pictures from this same spot.



Yesterday was a long, long day. Parts of it were good like a pedicure (hello, teal toes for September), a much-needed Trader Joe's trip, and lunch with Tina and Kathy at Thistle Stop Cafe. Others not so fun: doctor's appointments and bloodwork. I'm not quite ready to give more details about that yet but today is more bloodwork, a MRI and back to yesterday's doctor to be fitted for a temporary heart monitor. Don't worry - pretty sure everything is A-Okay.

I was so worn out from yesterday that I sent the kids to bed early and at 7:47 I was in bed and closing my eyes for sleep. Crazy, right?

Credits here
Good times from the Derby family visit back in May. I want them to come back. Now.


Thank God for the good parts of the day and for the knowledge that He is in the not so good parts as well. Praying.
I've got my fingers crossed that all those medical tests turn out A-OK. And I love the teal toes. LOVE!

And I just took a two hour nap... we need the extra sleep apparently. :)

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