It's a Rough Life

Camden and Rory both had great first days of school. Their best things of the day are so typical for them.

Camden's best part was the new bathrooms. He gets so grossed out at unflushed toilets so he was thrilled to see new urinals. Hilarious, right? Unfortunately, I failed to notice that the school uniform dress code changes in 4th grade - switches from uniform shorts to uniform pants. Why the switch to pants in 4th grade, I don't know, but it does. And I forgot. He was not a big fan of being the only kid in shorts yesterday, but he is all pants-ed up today.

And Rory's favorite part was that there is a new girl in her class. Now she didn't actually meet the new girl because she was absent, but the fact that there *is* a new girl makes her super happy. Yes, she is my social butterfly.

And my day's work? Finishing up these photo collages from West Virginia. They are now ready to be printed and put away in my Project Life 2013 book. It's a rough life, I know.


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Vicky said…
Cannot fathom kids in school already! We still have over 3 weeks left :) Glad to hear they both had good first days and that YOU had a bit of uninterrupted time to yourself. Your project Life simply blows me away...
Lori! said…
Fantastic pictures, as usual...but I must admit that the mid-air, slip and slide of Rory is my favorite capture. Oh but I do love the one of the sleeping baby with her arms behind her head...because that is how S sleeps. And Camden's cheesy grin. Oh who am I kidding? I love them all!!!
Amy said…
Yay for a good first day of school! These pictures just ooze fun!
I still cannot believe your kiddos are back to school already! Wow.

And the photo collages are AMAZING! Holy cow!

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