It's Monday Morning

We had a sweet visit with both sets of my grandparents as well as my mom and dad Friday afternoon. It was a long with with about 8 hours worth of driving for a 3 hour visit, but definitely worth it. I ended up not pulling out my big girl camera and after I looked at the iPhone pics, I sure wish I'd gone to the extra trouble of using the big camera. Sometimes my iPhone pics are worth the easy convenience, but this time they are not. Still sweet memories even if the pictures are blurry.

After putting it off all last week, I decided we *must* get back into a routine this morning since school starts Wednesday. I didn't get the kids up as early as they'll need to, but they got up at 7:30 this morning and did the whole pre-school routine. We're aiming for 7:00 tomorrow. My Facebook status this morning said the following: "In preparation for the first day of school Wednesday, I am attempting to get us back on routine this morning. It is going SO well. Said no one ever." 

Tomorrow is another day.

Addison spent the night with us Thursday since we were getting up early Friday morning. We started the trip strong. In fact, the girl didn't cry until we were almost home at the end of the day. She was a trooper!

Grandpa and the kids. This is a typical sight when we're together: the kids all piled up on his lap.


Addison didn't want anything to do with the grandparents. Until they pulled out computers/ipads. Then she was all over it.

With Grandpa and Grandma Elledge looking at my blog. ;)

Then it was Grandma Hale's turn.

Then Grandpa Hale.

An attempt at group shots. Indoors. This is where I really went wrong.



You should have seen the shenanigans Brian was going through to keep Addison's attention.

Then this happened about 10 minutes after we were back on the road.

And this.

Then we might have taught her a new trick to help pass the time.

Back home again and I thought she needed her first set of pigtails. Way too cute.

The End.


Amy said…
So glad you had a fun trip! I cannot believe it's time for your kids to go back to school. Good luck getting back in the routine. It is SO hard!
Vicky said…
Is it okay if I am just a tiny bit tired out after reading this? Ha- so cool all the grands got time with the kiddos and the photos will be treasured no matter what. And seriously- the pigtails? Ohhhh... too much... love.
This is such a great series of photos! (Even if they are from the iPhone, and yes... I know your pain and confusion on this one!) It really looks like a FUN time was had. (And next time, can you also take photos of the "shenanigans"???) :)

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