If you're a scrapper, then you know all about One Little Word (by Ali Edwards). It's not something I've ever participated in, but it's something that's been on my mind for a couple of months. Not necessarily participating in One Little Word, but a theme that's been running through my mind as I look forward to 2013.

Anyone on the edge of their seat? ;)

It's the concept of not waiting, but doing. I'm pretty good at procrastinating. Kind of an expert, actually. I've gotten really good at just letting life pass me by. I should know better by now, right? I'm also pretty prone to not do something if I know I won't be good at it (my parents can attest to this). I'm also fascinated with the concept of starting new every day. Doesn't matter what mistakes I made yesterday; what matters is learning from them and starting over with a clean slate every morning.

I'm not setting goals for 2013; I usually fail at that kind of thing anyway. But I do want the theme of this year to be DO.

Do say yes to my kids more.
Do try new things, even if I might stink at it.
Do get back to Bible study (I failed miserably at this the second half of this year).
Do read all those parenting books I've accumulated through the years.
Do focus on serving my husband more.
Do make sure the adults in our lives make it into the pictures.
Do be more patient with I love.
Do let go of stress caused by finances, broken down cars, illness.
Do let go of perfectionist tendencies, especially when it comes to documenting our life. (Really, in 20 years who will actually care if white balance is spot on or everything is perfectly in focus.)
Do make healthier choices. 
Do kick cancer to the curb.


And as proof that I've actually been thinking about this concept, I even scrapped it a couple of weeks ago. I hate these kind of pages with, you know, my actual picture and thoughts on them, but I've determined they're important to my future adult children and the future elderly me. ;)
 (credits here)
121912_new day

We've spent New Year's Day doing absolutely nothing. Well, that's not true. Rory's been working in her room literally all day long. She's supposed to be cleaning, but she was supposed to do that yesterday. Instead, she gets more than a tad distracted and ends up making a bigger mess. And Brian has been grading papers/lesson plans for most of the day. So I should clarify. I've been doing nothing all day. Happy New Year to us! :)


Vicky said…
I.love.you. Ha- you are so funny and I love your special brand of wit :) Do- yes- it could so be my own word for much the same reasons. Here is to hoping that do is a little spark plug for you and helps you literally "do" everything you want and then some :)
Amanda said…
I LOVE the layout!! That picture of you is just so beautiful!! Happy New Year!!
Happy new year ! What s great "to do " list !
Renee T. said…
Love your whole thought process about the new year! (I just sent you a message on FB on this very topic :)
Amy said…
I love your journaling on your layout and your "do" list. So much of it I could have written. Thanks for the reminder and inspiration to just start fresh every morning. I need to do that, too. Happy New Year! Praying this is a great year for your family!
Lisa S. said…
this is a beautiful journaling scrap page Melissa! So much I could relate to!
You are an inspiration to follow, thanks for the reminders of 'do'-ing the little things that will mean the most later.
Wishing you the best year ahead filled with health and happiness! :)
I love this. Your word (concept), the layout, your thoughts... all of it!
Krista said…
Love those "Do's" - especially that last one! Kick it cancer! (must lo9ok into Ali's site - looks lovely!

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