Back to School, 2nd Grade Edition

This morning was Camden's first day of 2nd grade (and Brian's first official day of in-service for the 2011/2012 school year) and my first day of a regular schedule with no adult help in a very, very long time. It felt good to be back in a routine. Of course, that routine is going to last all of 3 days until I go back to chemo on Thursday, but still. This morning didn't go quite as smoothly as I would like. Okay, it actually was pretty bad, but I'm sure we'll be better tomorrow.

This picture cracks me up because it wasn't nearly as posed as it seems. He was headed down the stairs to get in the car (Brian was already waiting and running late).

The boy was more than a little excited about school today. He LOVES school.

He really wanted me to take a picture of his new shoes.

The backpack

And a quick high five from Rory. There were no tears at all from her this year.

Camden's teacher is Mrs. H this year (not to be confused with Mrs. H from last year LOL) and Brian did some of his student teaching with her several years ago. We are thrilled for him to be in her classroom. We're also thrilled that she pulled Brian aside at orientation and told him that she's heard Camden read (from 1st grade) and he is a great reader, and she'd love to challenge him this year. We'd love that as well. Things have come so easily to him thus far, and it's definitely past time to challenge him academically. I think he's going to have a fabulous year.


He looks like he's off to a great start!!
Oh wow... Second grade! Yikes.

(And I love his shoes. Love. I actually saw them on Flickr and was about to write that when I realized they were his. Wow.)
Mayme said…
He was so excited about second grade last night at church. I hope he had a great first day!
Monica said…
I love the fact that he wanted a picture of his shoes! Too precious! And praying today goes much better for you!
Elizabeth Frick said…
So excited for Camden and his year ahead!

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