Bad Morning!

Boy, did this week have a rough start! Camden threw a fit this morning that started at 6:00 a.m. and lasted until 7:30! How can my boy who is soooooo sweet most of the time have such a temper and be so stubborn! I just don't know. It all started over such a small deal! He's been screeching/yelling/screaming for us at the top of his lungs when he wakes up (throughout the night as well as in the morning). We've been practicing calling for us in a normal voice. We have a monitor, can hear him even when he is barely speaking, and always respond immediately so there is no need for this horrible screeching. He's not crying or upset, mind you, just screeching for us. Well, he did this several times throughout the night, but this morning when he woke up at 6:00, I went in and calmly told him that he needed to call for me nicely and I would be happy to let him out of bed. Well, he acted like I was asking him to do something huge! He immediatley started throwing a fit - kicking the wall, screaming no at me, etc. We left him to it (with a few trips in for discipline). He hit Brian several times. At one point, we left the room and it was totally silent for about 60 seconds and all of a sudden, we hear, "you're tidding me, right?" This was screamed in a not very nice voice! We just left him to it. I had to leave at 6:40. Brian called me about 7:45 and said that Camden did not calm down and stop screaming until 7:30!!! Hopefully he's got it out of his system for a while now. What a way to start off a Monday!

Other than that, he was so sweet this weekend. Brian's grandparents are in town for a visit so he went to Gram and Gramps house Friday and spent all day, all night and most of Saturday there. He played and had a great time.

Work is still pretty crazy, but should be slowing down soon.

Scrapping news. Don't forget to visit Sweet Dreams Shoppe for a great kit freebie.

Here is one layout from the weekend and one I revamped a bit.


omg Melissa I totally understand the Camden fits, Ethan has the exact same thing...(he's 3-1/2 so it doesn't get better yet anyway)

You keep doing amazing layout after another one!! They are great!

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